The elections are drawing near and everyone is talking about them. I usually don't say much about politics, but I have to write about something that has been building up inside me for some time now.
It doesn't bother me when people share their opinions about politics and who they're going to vote for. But it ABSOLUTELY bothers me when they TELL ME who to vote for. Everyone has their own views or beliefs and I think that's great, but I hate it when people force their opinion on me.
I also don't think people should be mixing politics with religion. Granted, I do believe religion plays a huge part in how people view things and influences how they will vote, but I don't think people should vote for someone based on religion.
It doesn't matter if someone is Buddhist, Catholic, Atheist, or, let's get crazy and say it...Mormon. Who cares what someone's religion is? Focus on what the person stands for. Who they truly are. Get educated and know the person you are voting for. I don't claim to know everything or be the most educated voter, but I know I don't vote for someone based solely on their religion.
I am a Mormon, and I do plan on voting for Mitt Romney, but I am not voting for him because he is Mormon. Romney could be Atheist and I would still vote for him. Obama could be Mormon, and I still wouldn't vote for him. POLITICS AND RELIGION SHOULD BE SEPARATE.
I am in NO WAY TELLING YOU TO VOTE A CERTAIN WAY. All I am saying is to please get educated about candidates. Forget about religion and focus on the person. And don't tell others who they should vote for. Everyone has their own opinion. Sure, discuss why you're voting for whomever, but don't tell a person they HAVE to vote for a certain candidate. Just be happy that person is voting.
We live in a great country where we have the privilege to vote. We should all take advantage of it.